Welcome to our new Instagram app!  We at Instaproapkly.com value your privacy as if it were a precious gem, and we are committed to protecting your personal information. We will use idiomatic expressions in order to make our privacy policy more understandable and unique.

Please read the privacy policy before leaving your house.

Data We Collect – Not a hair out of place

When you use our modified Instagram applications, we collect data. Rest assured that it is collected as carefully as the hairstylist would prepare for a red carpet event. We collect data on:

Account Information

Each Instagram account is unique, just like fingerprints. We collect your Instagram user name and other pertinent information in order to provide our service effectively.

Device Information

To ensure that our services work with your setup, we collect device-specific data, such as the type of device and its unique identification number.

Location Information

Just like a treasure hunt map that has an “X” to mark the location, we collect data about your location when you use specific features. We don’t give it to anyone else.

Why we collect data – Seeing the forest for the trees

We have good reasons for collecting data.

We Improve Our Services

Like a sculptor who refines their masterpiece with every update, we analyze data to improve our modified Instagram applications.


Your data is used to customize your experience so that it fits you perfectly, or, as they say, “a glove that fits just like a hand.”

Customer Support

When you contact us, we will use the information you provide in order to help you as effectively as possible, much like a detective would solve a case.

Legal Compliance

We must comply with laws and regulations, and we use your data to do so.

How We Use Your Data – Crossing T’s & Dotting I’s

Like a chef who prepares a gourmet dish, we use your data with care.

Enhancing Your Experience

We customize our services according to your preferences and provide you with the Instagram experience that you desire.


Just like a friend, we may contact you to inform you of important updates and information.

Research and Analytics

We use data analysis to better understand how users interact with our apps. This helps us improve.

Legal Requirements

If we are required to do so by law, then we will disclose your personal information just like a responsible citizen would comply with an order from a court.

Share Your Data – Keep the Circle Small

We have a number of trusted service providers that help us maintain and improve our services. They treat your data with respect.

Your choices – It Takes Two Tango

Our apps allow you to manage account information and settings, including the ability to delete an account.

Children’s privacy – Playing in a Sandbox

We do not collect any personal information about children under 13 years old. Our services are also not designed for them, just as a sandbox would not be for a child.

Changes in Privacy Policy “Changing Seasons

Our privacy policies can change just as the seasons do. 

Contact us – Knocking at Our Door

We welcome your questions and concerns for instaproapkly.com. Your feedback is like a rare jewel.